Sound cards are kind of funny. They’ve been built into motherboards for a few years now, and yet my customers always assume they won’t hear anything unless they purchase a sound card.
The fact of the matter is that sound cards are no longer necessary. Every motherboard StealthMachines sells includes high quality surround sound! The sound is so crystal clear that it’s better than sound cards. For this reason, I ALWAYS recommend staying with the motherboard’s built in sound card.
Unless you’re paying >$200 for a sound card, chances are the quality of that sound card is crap. Sound cards have one very big disadvantage that always seems to be overlooked. Have you ever heard that hissing sound when you turn up your speakers too loud? That sound isn’t your speaker’s fault. The sound is coming from your sound card, and it’s actually caused by interference.
Unless you’re paying the big bucks for a sound card, the static is nearly impossible to avoid. Motherboard sound cards have added protection from static interference noise, and consequently every motherboard which StealthMachines produces has built-in crystal clear sound. We don’t need your extra money because we care more about ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.
Please, for your own sake, head this advice. Save your money and stop paying extra for sound cards. I’d SPAM to make more money off of you, so stop letting me do it! Remove the sound card and upgrade that graphics card instead.
StealthMachines Custom Gaming Computers