
The catalog is FINALLY being updated!  As of this writing, Enigma (Zen4) and Covert (Threadrippper Zen3) are back online.  The entire rest of the catalog will be fixed soon too and I plan on getting Shadow (returning January 2023), Espionage and our laptop line back online as well.  I’m even going to add an AMD EPYC line of server-ready workstations for the customer seeking the real deal visa-vi an old line that I’m recycling called the Rogue.

I have a confession to make: I haven’t been doing the best job updating the catalog these past two years.  And I’ll be honest, a lot of it has to do with the crazy world events which had occurred of late.  And some of it has to do with my own crazy life!

I’m not your traditional computer assembler.  Since 2004, I have been building really custom gaming computers for thousands of happy customers.  From literally running the business out of a closet in my early 20’s, to many dark and cold basements… in various building sizes from Harry Potter’s closet to a 2,000 S.F. warehouse for which I lived upstairs in the attic, this business really has traveled with me in my suitcase.  I once delivered a computer by hand to a customer in Puerto Rico during Hurricane Irene!  What a wonderful man he was, and what a wonderful life this is, you know?

This most recent adventure which I took StealthMachines on was to a cabin in the middle of the woods of Florissant, CO.  During that time, I was 100% off-grid for two years, and the internet out there (satellite) ran at a CRAWL.  So, it didn’t make much sense to keep the catalog up to date when I wasn’t really able to accommodate more than one or two customers a week.  I still took orders, but it was at my pace, and we usually just did custom quotes to get the job done.

I started two new businesses a few years back which also take up a lot of my time.  They are called zCHG and WeCharg, and I love them just as much as I love this business, but for different reasons.  To accompany these two businesses, I wrote my first book.

Oh and I’ve been HEAVILY censored these last few years by the likes of Facebook, google, Paypal, etc.  Facebook deleted access to ALL of my business accounts which had a small fortune of followers.  Paypal froze my assets for about six months.  Google stole a wad of cash in kind for fake clicks to my businesses.  LOTS of other strange happenings (a must read).  And in case you didn’t know, the media companies which syndicate technology here in the USA are all one big happy Monopoly family, and I wasn’t ever asked in their club!  I could go on, and on, and on regarding big tech censorship as it relates to my little custom computer company, but then I wouldn’t be able to continue to provide the best custom gaming computers on the planet, at reasonable prices!

Anyhow my most recent sabbatical is more or less over.  I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and go back to full production.  Now taking all orders, large and small, as I seek to lick my wounds from the crazy macro and micro events of the last few years.  

I hope ya’all know how much I love you.  Without you, since 2004, NONE OF THIS WOULD BE POSSIBLE!  So thanks!  All praise belongs to the most high, whom I am 100% sure is responsible for the miracle of my friendship with all of you!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Your friend,

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